Manifesto for long term improvements

Putting victims first: Renewing the UK commitment to the safety of victims of trafficking and modern slavery. Read more

Manifesto for first 100 days

Putting victims first: Renewing the UK commitment to the safety of victims of trafficking and modern slavery. Read more

General Election Recommendations from the UK Anti-Slavery Sector

In advance of the forthcoming General Election, our organisations ask that all political parties express a renewed commitment to tackling modern slavery in the UK and around the world. In addition to pledging to tackle modern slavery in election manifestos, we ask that any future government to commit to the following principles to guide their Anti-Slavery Strategy. Read more

Statement in response to passage of the Safety of Rwanda Bill

Migrant Help's statement in response to passage of the Safety of Rwanda Bill. Read more

Request to Mayoral candidates to sign pledge to prioritise modern slavery

Migrant Help have joined fifty organisations across the anti human trafficking and exploitation sector in urging mayoral candidates across the country to promise to prioritise the fight against modern slavery. Read more

Fraudulent calls

It has come to our attention that a number of fraudulent telephone calls, purporting to be from Migrant Help, have been made to our clients, pretending to offer them a voluntary return to Rwanda. Read more

Our strategy for 2024-2029

We are pleased to present Migrant Help’s new organisational strategy for 2024 to 2029. Read more

Asylum support rate changes

Asylum support is provided while an asylum claim is being considered or after a claim for asylum has been refused. Read more

Refugees Reframed: Celebrate inspiring refugees this International Migrants’ Day and help those most in need

We have teamed up with eleven inspiring people, including comedian Shappi Khorsandi, to create this powerful picture that aims to provide a compelling counter-narrative to the negative rhetoric around refugees and people seeking asylum. Read more

£10k worth of vouchers distributed thanks to partnership with Clothing Collective

With the support of the charity Clothing Collective, we have been able to double some of the funds raised through generous match-funding. Read more

The Supreme Court's Rwanda ruling

The Supreme Court has upheld the verdict given in June by the Court of Appeal, ruling it unlawful for people seeking asylum to be sent to Rwanda to have their claims processed. Here is our statement. Read more

Webchat improvements

Our new and improved webchat facility, which you can use to access both the First Response Centre (FRC) and Eligibility, Advice and Guidance Line (EAGL), is now live. Read more

Court of Appeals Decision

The Court of appeals has ruled it unlawful for people seeking asylum to be sent to Rwanda to have their claims processed. Read more

SocialBox.Biz calls on UK businesses to donate unused laptops

An innovative UK-based social enterprise that takes unwanted computers, repurposing them for those in need. Read more

UK Emergency Alerts service

The UK government’s new Emergency Alerts system is now live, and testing will occur on 23 April. Read more

Christmas opening hours

All of us here at Migrant Help wish you happiness and peace this festive period. Read more

Asylum services update

Migrant Help is a charity that has been operating for nearly 60 years, with support for people seeking asylum, refugees and survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery at the heart of everything we do. Read more

Coalition to Stop Slavery

Migrant Help has joined forces with 16 other anti-slavery organisations on a new campaign to mark Anti-Slavery Day 2022, “Time to Stop Slavery”. Read more

National Inclusion Week 2022

This week marks National Inclusion Week, an important date in all our calendars where we raise awareness and open up the conversation about inclusion to ensure accessibility for all. Read more

Office closure for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral

On the day of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, Monday 19 September, Migrant Help’s offices will be closed. Read more

Statement regarding Suella Braverman's appointment as Home Secretary

On Suella Braverman’s appointment as Home Secretary, Caroline O’Connor, CEO at Migrant Help has commented. Read more