Our strategy for 2024-2029 We are pleased to present Migrant Help’s new organisational strategy for 2024 to 2029. The 60th anniversary of the charity, that we marked in 2023, has provided the right pivotal moment to reflect on the past, the present and to plan for our future. To develop this strategy we brought together staff, trustees and clients in multiple workshops over 12 months to set the new objectives, determine outcomes and specify the actions needed to achieve our aims. All those involved were equal decision makers, making this our first fully co-produced strategy where the voices of people with lived experience were fundamental in its development. We also gathered views of partner organisations and other external stakeholders via a stakeholder survey. Throughout the life of the strategy we will track and measure our performance, regularly review how well we are doing in delivering our objectives and evolve the strategy to ensure it continues to be relevant. Our first objective To deliver high-quality person-centred support that meets our clients’ needs and helps them to succeed in the future We aim to have knowledgeable and well-resourced teams delivering a consistent service to support our clients in the best way possible. We will continue to make our services as accessible as possible while exploring and utilising existing and emerging technologies where appropriate. Our second objective To work in equal partnership with our clients to inform and influence public perceptions and better decision making We aim to empower our clients to share their stories in safe and effective ways to show how we all benefit from diverse and compassionate communities. We will work in partnership with our clients to change the public narrative around people who have experienced displacement and/or exploitation. We will use our knowledge and expertise to influence policy decisions, both on local and national level. Our third objective To build collaborations to generate and target resources to areas of greatest need We will deliver high quality services to ensure the best possible outcomes for our clients and will partner with other organisations to bridge any identified gaps, while avoiding duplication where resources already exist. We will ensure we have the appropriate funding and resources in place. Our fourth objective To be an organisation that adapts to political and environmental changes We will be an organisation that continuously strives for improvement, continues our Great Place to Work strategy and adopts an employee-centred culture where staff feel trusted and valued. We will be here for our clients as a go-to organisation for information on policy developments and provide reliable, high quality support regardless of changes within the sector. Read our full strategy here. Manage Cookie Preferences