New Aspen card roll out The roll out of the new Aspen card is currently underway, along with a change of the payment provider. As a result of these changes, our helpline has been extremely busy over the past few days. We sincerely apologise to everyone who is having difficulties in contacting us. We are liaising with the payment provider and the Home Office and are doing our best to assist as many clients as we can. If you have received your new card, please contact the payment provider’s (Prepaid Financial Services) automated response line on 0800 246 1327 to activate your card, check your PIN or to hear your balance. To activate your card: Call 0800 246 1327 Pick the appropriate language Press Option 1 PIN Reveal Enters the 16-digit number on the front of the Aspen Card Enter your date of birth DDMMYY (for example, if your date of birth is 5th of February 1975, you should enter the numbers on your keypad in this format: 050275) You do not need to use your AS reference or enter 19/20 at the start of your year of birth. Once your card has been activated you will be able to check your available balance at an ATM if you are supported under Section 95/98. If you are supported under section 4/98/95 you can check your balance by: Calling 0800 246 1327 Pick the appropriate language Pick Option 2 Enter the 16-digit card number and then four-digit pin IVR reveals balance The Home Office is looking into any balances that have not been transferred from the green card. Hopefully, any outstanding balances will be showing on your card next week. If you need to contact Migrant Help, you can also utilise our webchat or enquiry form as alternatives to the helpline. Manage Cookie Preferences