Migrant Help Chief Executive, Caroline O'Connor, has commented:

We’re calling on the newly appointed Home Secretary to recognise the human behind the statistic when considering immigration policies and ongoing migration issues.

People seeking refuge in the UK have overcome unimaginable trauma and are looking for a safe place to start a new life. They wish to become part of local communities and contribute to society, and a clear majority of the public believes we should welcome refugees fleeing war or persecution from across the world.

We therefore urge government to prioritise the following:

  • More safe routes for those fleeing war and persecution
  • Accommodating all asylum seekers within the community across the UK in order to support them in starting their new lives here
  • The right-to-work for asylum seekers to benefit their integration into society
  • Speeding up the decision-making process.

The UK has a proud history of welcoming refugees. Let’s continue to honour that; no-one should be prosecuted for seeking safety