Safeguarding Safeguarding is an integral part of the work Migrant Help does through all of its services. And as such we commissioned a full external Safeguarding Audit in 2021. The auditor was asked to review our policies, processes, training and knowledge of both staff and trustees. The auditor interviewed many staff from different teams and areas of responsibility, including operational and support services staff. We received the report and whilst there were some suggestions for areas to focus on while striving to continually improve our working practices and knowledge, there were no areas of concern. Through our Safeguarding Operational Group which includes all services (and Trustees), our action plan was drafted and worked on. However, we did not want to make our own assumptions that the actions and changes we had put in place would satisfy an external safeguarding auditor. And so we were revisited in February / March 2022 by the auditor who again interviewed staff, reviewed policies and processes and revisited actions following the last full audit. We are pleased to report that we again received a very favourable report, with pointers to further improvements, rather than recommendations. Our Safeguarding Operational Group will again take these forward. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff and Trustees for their continued commitment to safeguarding and look forward to our new safeguarding team further expanding our knowledge. The external auditor is holding a workshop at our Building Bridges Conference on 6 July. Please click on this link to see the agenda and how you can join us at the event Manage Cookie Preferences