Do you think you may or have been, a victim of slavery or human trafficking? Have you come into contact with someone you suspect is being exploited? You can speak to someone in your own language today.


What is human trafficking?

A person is trafficked if they are transferred from one country or area to another by others who control, intimidate and force them to do work they do not want to do. This may include forced labour, sexual exploitation or domestic servitude.


Are you a victim of slavery or human trafficking?

Human trafficking is a serious crime. If you are in a situation where you are being exploited please remember that you have rights and can seek help and support. All support will be provided on a confidential basis.

What you should do:

  • If it is an emergency and you, or other people, are in danger, call 999
  • If it is not an emergency, you can call the Police on 101


Do you suspect someone is being exploited and is in a slavery-like situation?

If you suspect that you or someone you have come across may be an adult victim of modern slavery and in need of help, please contact The Salvation Army’s confidential and anonymous referral helpline on 0800 808 3733 – available 365 days a year, 24/7 with interpretation services where needed.

There are a number of other organisations that you can talk to:

Migrant Help

  • England 01304 203977
  • Scotland 0141 8847900 (out of hours 0141 2128553)
  • Northern Ireland 028 90315744 (out of hours 02892 448449)

24/7 Modern Slavery Helpline - 08000 121 700

The best way you can help in the fight against slavery and human trafficking is to pick up the phone and make a call.

Please remember not to put yourselves or anyone else in danger by confronting the traffickers or notifying them or the potential victim that you have made a report.

