The escalating humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, along with the ongoing conflicts in places like Tigray and Yemen, starkly demonstrate the urgent need for expanded routes for those fleeing violence and persecution.

People facing horrific threats to life and safety are desperately in need of compassion, support and refuge.

We ask the government to make clear our commitment to the 1951 Refugee Convention and the principles on which it was established, through our words and actions in these difficult times.

We encourage all people to see the humanity of those who are suffering these atrocities and that we open our hearts to offer help.

Below are resources in English, Dari and Pashto for those in Afghanistan or those concerned about loved ones in Afghanistan. We will continue to keep this page updated.

Afghan Outreach

Are you an Afghan citizen who was evacuated by the Government to the UK on or after 14 August 2021? If so, you may be eligible to live permanently in the UK under either the Afghan Relocation and Assistance Policy (ARAP) or the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS). For more information click here.

Resources for those in the UK wanting news on family and to know how to bring family/friends to the UK:

  • Bringing family to the UK
    • Speak to a legal representative to understand your options
    • Call the Home Office UK Visas and Immigration contact centre - 0300 790 6268

Resources for those in Afghanistan and neighbouring countries

برای افراد داخل بریتانیا که می‌خواهند درباره فامیل معلومات کسب کنند و بدانند چی طور فامیل/دوستان خود را به بریتانیا بیاورند:

برای اشخاص داخل افغانستان

د هغه خلکو لپاره چې په بريتانيا کې دي او غواړي د کورنيو په اړه خبرونه واوري او پوه شي چې څنګه کورنۍ/ملګري بريتانيا ته راولي:

د هغه خلکو لپاره چې په افغانستان کې دي