You should normally receive your BRP card within 10 days of getting your Home Office decision. The card is an important document that you should keep safe, as it serves as proof of your right to stay, work and claim benefits in the UK. It is also used as proof of identity for benefit purposes.

  • If you have a legal representative, your BRP card might be sent to them. You will need to check with your legal representative/solicitor in case this is sent to them.

  • If your BRP is posted directly you may receive a text and/or email confirming delivery. However, if they do not have your details you might not get this advance notification. If you miss the delivery, you will get a ‘missed delivery/ Royal Mail calling card’ left at your address. Follow the instructions on this card to arrange for the BRP to be re-delivered. You can contact Royal Mail where you will need your thirteen-digit consignment number (ending with ‘GB’) that can be found on the card that the Royal Mail left at your address. 

  • Some BRPs are still being delivered by the delivery company TNT. If this is the case for you, you will receive an email or text from TNT telling you when your BRP will arrive and how to change the delivery time and date if necessary.

  • If you have not received your BRP card within 10 working days of being granted your leave to remain, and you are unable to track your order with TNT, please contact the Home Office. This can be done directly or through your legal representative. The Home Office should respond within five working day.